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The Cybersecurity Skills Gap What It Is, Its Impact and How To Bridge the Gap 

04-20-2022 13:12

What Is the Cybersecurity Skills Gap?

Simply put: there aren’t enough skilled individuals to fill cybersecurity positions. In 2021, there
were an estimated 3.5 million open job requisitions for cybersecurity professionals globally –
with 465,000 in the United States alone. Unfilled job requisites increased 350% from 2013, and
it’s predicted that the same number of open positions will remain through 2025.

A handful of factors have contributed to the cybersecurity skills gap, which has been on the
industry’s radar for roughly the past decade. Job postings with misaligned requirements are one
reason cybersecurity positions go unfilled. How can an entry-level analyst hold certifications that
take multiple years to achieve? And similarly, how can a job prospect have 10 years of experience
working with a specific technology that was developed less than five years ago?

Cybersecurity can also attract ‘non-traditional’ candidates, whose expertise has been developed
outside of a classroom or through hands-on experience, whose applications can become
hindered by inflexible degree requirements. Similarly, requiring stringent criteria for
cybersecurity positions, including multiple certifications or extensive experience, can also limit a
position’s applicant pool.

Download the whitepaper to learn more

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Uploaded - 04-20-2022

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