
Navigating Today’s Cybersecurity Landscape: A Security Resource for Businesses 

10-13-2020 20:05

Today’s cybersecurity landscape has changed, with businesses struggling to react to the increasingly sophisticated threats caused by the current climate. Cybersecurity Ventures says the damage related to cybercrime is projected to hit $6 trillion annually by 2021.

According to Gartner, by the end of 2020, security services are expected to account for 50% of cybersecurity budgets and the worldwide spending on cybersecurity will reach $133.7 billion in 2022

Also, the cybersecurity workforce is expected to see a shortage of 1.8 million employees in 2022. With all these statistics in mind, channel partners are looking to adopt the right mix of cybersecurity solutions, practices and assessments and address the cyber skills gap.

As we kick off National Cybersecurity Awareness Month, it is a perfect time for businesses to refresh themselves on the importance of cybersecurity. This year’s theme is “Do Your Part. #BeCyberSmart” and aims to empower individuals and businesses to own their role in protecting their cyberspace.

To ensure that all our channel partners have the security knowledge, skills and technologies they need to be safe and secure, Tech Data has put together the following security resources:

1. Tech Data Cyber Range

Tech Data’s Cyber Range was created to address the growing cybersecurity skills gap and the growing sense of urgency for cybersecurity threat preparedness. Through this interactive cyber playground, partners can learn the cybersecurity skills and postures they need to protect their customers.

2. Cyber Essentials Video Series

Created by our cyber engineers, this Cyber Essentials Series introduces the cybersecurity foundations and tools necessary to be successful in the remote Tech Data Cyber Range.

3. Digital Security Practice Builder

It can be time-consuming and costly for technology solution providers to figure out how to build a security business that offers customers the best value. Channel partners can leverage the digital security practice builder to minimize risks and costs as they explore the next-generation technology markets. To qualify for this program, partners must go through a security practice assessment that determines their security capability level. Once they understand their capabilities or lack thereof, they gain access to curated security training courses, including best practices across strategy, marketing and vendor-specific execution.

4. RECON Security Suite

Tech Data offers channel partners complementary security offerings to deliver comprehensive security solutions to their customers. The RECON Security Suite is a set of subscription and consulting-based security solutions designed to collect security intelligence and solve customers’ unique challenges covering a range of security threat vectors.

5. Tech Data SPI Tool

To support businesses in their quest to find new sales opportunities, partners can leverage Tech Data’s solution product inventory tool. This resource includes easy-to-use keyword searchability by vendor, product, category, sub-category, managed security service provider (MSSP) solutions and geographic region. The tool takes away the complexity of cybersecurity solutions and makes them simpler for partners to procure and consume.

6. Work-From-Home Security Playbook

While some businesses begin the transition to return to the office, work from home continues to be an option for others. Tech Data’s Work-From-Home Security playbook contains timely solutions and services that will help partners enhance their security practice.

7. Guard SMBs Against Cybersecurity

Forty-three percent of all cyberattacks are directed at small businesses. Download the “What Every Business Owner Should Know About Cybersecurity” whitepaper to start the security conversation with SMBs.

8. Connect With Our Thought Leaders

Connect with the Tech Data cybersecurity experts on LinkedIn: Alex Ryals, Brett Scott, Tracy Holtz and Chris DesRosiers.

Find out what insights Alex Ryals, Vice President, Security Solutions, Americas, has to share in his “Cyber Myth Busters” series – Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3
Debunk the cybersecurity myths where Tech Data's Director of Security and Training Enablement, Brett Scott, is joined by the Pima Community College in the video series “Get the Bret Scott on Cybersecurity.”

9. 30 Minutes with a Hacker Podcast Series

The “30 minutes with a hacker” podcast series delivers insightful and thought-provoking discussions with some of our nation’s best and brightest ethical hackers. This elite group of men and women are in the trenches daily, participating in the prevention of real-world cyber threats. Tune in to discover how these hackers think and to learn how businesses can guard themselves from significant cyber-attacks.

10. Tech Data Security Enforce

Our annual security conference is coming up on Nov. 4 and will be hosted virtually. We will use a brand-new platform to bring a virtual reality flare to the event. Click here to register to attend Enforce.

As we reiterate this year’s National Cybersecurity Awareness Month theme, “Do Your Part. #BeCyberSmart,” Tech Data Security has curated the tools, people, services and solutions to protect your customers' companies and provide you with the peace of mind and confidence needed to grow your business. Reach out to to learn more about Tech Data’s security offerings.

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