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Mobile EDGE Team 

04-22-2022 14:06

Tech Data's business experts have some of the strongest relationships with our channel partners including, carriers, mobile device vendors and their business-to-business (B2B) teams calling on customers. Based on these relationships, our team has the highest-potential end-user leads that result in incredible opportunities and partnerships with our reseller community. Our Mobile EDGE team has the ability to:

  • Add revenue streams by including connectivity
  • Craft business plans with customers
  • Develop end-user adoption strategies
  • Deploy planning and resource allocations
  • Build a solution regardless of the vertical
  • Create end-user lead generation from the carriers
  • Simplify device deployment
  • Enable BYOD practice
  • Deploy new apps
  • Implement 5G and 4G networks
  • Wired, Wireless, Wi-Fi, LPWAN planning
  • Security solutions for device, data and voice
  • Deployment of mobile device management (MDM) software

To learn more about the latest trends and solutions that support mobility and managed services, contact Tech Data's Mobile EDGE team.


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