
How to Recognize Real AI in Cybersecurity 

11-16-2023 14:22

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The term artificial intelligence is used to describe an IT system’s simulation of human intelligence processes, such as the ability to adapt, solve problems or plan. Artificial intelligence (AI) systems cover several of these features at present and, with the advent of ChatGPT, their use has become widespread in everyday life.  

However, this has also resulted in organizations exploiting the term "artificial intelligence," seeking to capitalize on its appeal. This is because the term AI is often used loosely and can refer to a variety of different technologies. With so many companies boasting they have AI capabilities, it’s essential to be able to distinguish real AI solutions from those that simply claim they are based on this technology. 

How to Distinguish Real AI?

Here are the key differences between “real AI” and technologies that only appear to be based on it:  

1. Training

AI systems use machine learning (ML) to generate algorithms that learn from the data they are fed with and use statistical algorithms to identify patterns in them. In contrast, intelligent systems, which do not integrate AI, only work with algorithms. These systems are created using a set of predefined rules and decision trees that specify how they should behave in certain situations.

2.  Continuous Learning

AI is designed to continuously learn and improve over time. As new data becomes available, the system can retrain itself to enhance its accuracy and capabilities. Solutions that rely on automation are limited in scope and can only perform specific tasks within the constraints of pre-programmed rules.  

3. Decision-Making

AI is designed for non-repetitive tasks, so it can analyze situations and make decisions without human intervention whereas automated systems are incapable of making decisions on their own.  

Overall, AI and automation have great potential for cybersecurity! While automation makes it possible to combat automated bot attacks and alleviate alert fatigue thereby enabling analysts to apply their knowledge and skills more efficiently, real AI can offer even more benefits to enhance these roles.

To read these benefits and more, check out the full article, How to Recognize Real AI in Cybersecurity, on the WatchGuard Blog!

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